March 8th marked International Women’s Day. It made me think about (1) how my two daughters will thrive in a world that is making strides for better equality for women, (2) surviving breast cancer eight years ago and how strong women really are, and (3) how I am grateful to work for a firm that is woman-owned.
Those three things really go together.
In 2012, Tanya and I were acquaintances from living in the same urban neighborhood. She was growing her firm, Highland Planning, and needed some help with one of her projects conducting door-to-door outreach on business corridors. My background in sales and marketing allowed me to feel comfortable walking through the doors of businesses, so I agreed. I enjoyed easing back into the workforce after several years of raising my family and battling breast cancer. Tanya has offered me an opportunity to challenge myself while also allowing me to also prioritize my family and health. She gets the work/life balance!
I also am inspired by the work we do at Highland Planning. The firm has grown in its 12 year history. In my six years, we’ve gone from working at Tanya’s dining room table, to sharing an office space with three artists, to designing and building out our own office. I have enjoyed being a part of Highland Planning’s success, and my children have benefited from watching what we contribute to the community. They even help with projects that I organize.
At the end of the day, International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. In my world, my daughters (and son) see my success in working for a woman-owned business. And that is important to me.