by Tanya Zwahlen and Jen Topa
We recently were talking about how our work to revitalize commercial corridors involves hundreds of people. This month we decided to highlight three of our business owners and volunteers, who are helping us improve our cities. We are luck to know these dedicated, creative, optimistic, and community-minded people through our work in the City of Rochester. It was hard to pick three, but maybe we’ll make this a frequent post.
Kelly Bush, Marshall Street Bar and Grill
Kelly has become an active member in the Monroe Avenue Merchants Association (MAMA) and the Show on Monroe Planning Committee. She hosts our monthly MAMA meetings, and has helped us make our annual event highlighting Monroe Avenue better each year. She has a great vision for her business, and has devoted many hours to making the avenue more successful.
Kelly even comes to our events on South Clinton. Here she is with Nancy the minion at South Clinton Goes Batty.
Sarah Farmer, Wedge 23 LLC
Sarah is the owner of Wedge 23 LLC and the President of the South Clinton Merchants Association (SCMA). She started as Treasurer a few years ago, and quickly increased memberships and flower pot subscriptions. We use Sarah’s gator and sometimes her staff to help plant the planters up and down the avenue every spring. A few years ago, Sarah accepted the nomination to become President of SCMA. Her innovative ideas for marketing have brought awareness to South Clinton Avenue at exactly the right time. She and Wedge 23 LLC are dedicated to the prosperity of the corridor, and we’re all reaping the benefits of her good work.

Kim Camarata, Liberty Tax
Kim has been instrumental in the recent formation of the Dewey/Driving Park Merchants Association. She has taken on the task of helping the group to incorporate, an accomplishment that will create future opportunities for the organization. While busy running her own business, Liberty Tax, she displays dedication to making the community around her business prosper.